Eating disorder patients are divided into 8 categories.

Heavy Eaters

  1. Do you eat so much that you are full to the point of discomfort?
  2. Are you eating faster than usual?
  3. Do you eat large amounts of food even though you are not hungry?
  4. Do you eat alone because you feel ashamed of this way of eating?
  5. Are you afraid of eating in front of others?
  6. Do you feel disgust, guilt, self-blame or depression after eating?
  7. Do you have irregular eating habits? (such as frequent dieting and/or fasting skipping meals or eating at unusual times)
  8. Do you have dietary habits such as eating a certain type of food or food group?
  9. Do you have serious concerns about your weight and body image?
  10. Do you think a lot about food and eating and/or dieting?
  11. Do you hoard or hide food?
  12. Do you have low self-esteem?
  13. Do you have weight fluctuations both up and down?

Anorexia (Lack of Appetite)

  1. Is your weight less than the lowest normal weight or are you at your minimum weight?
  2. Do you gain weight (even by one kilo)?
  3. are you afraid
  4. Do you skip main meals?
  5. Don’t you want to eat in public?
  6. Do you constantly complain about gaining weight even though you are thin?
  7. Do you insist on wearing clothes that make you look thin, even though you are fit or thin?
  8. Is your mental image that the thinner you are, the more desirable and lovable and valuable you are? (or do you value thinness?)
  9. Do you have obsessive compulsive disorder?
  10. Is there someone similar to you in the family?
  11. Do you try to lift the food after eating Adha?
  12. Do you use laxatives, fat burners, or diuretics to control your calorie intake?

Bulimia (Nervous Eater)

  1. Are you unhappy with your appearance or your weight?
  2. Are you worried about weight gain?
  3. Do you increase the volume of your food several times in one meal?
  4. Can’t you stop or control your eating while eating?
  5. Do you force yourself to throw up food (after eating)?
  6. After eating, do you use laxatives or diuretics (if you know it is not necessary)?
  7. Do you take unnecessary and extreme fasts?
  8. Are you overusing dietary supplements or herbal products for weight loss?
  9. Do you use methods such as limiting calories or avoiding certain foods between binges?

Food Addicts

  1. Do you enjoy eating so much that you don’t feel full and keep eating?
  2. Do you feel like eating even when you are not hungry?
  3. Do you often feel too full of stomach and painful heartaches after eating?
  4. Does food influence your choice of friends?
  5. Have you ever lost a friendship because of food?
  6. Do you prefer eating to any other entertainment such as spending time with family or sports or any other entertainment?
  7. Do you avoid situations where certain foods are present for fear of overeating?
  8. Do you suffer from anxiety, depression or post-traumatic stress disorder?
  9. Are you worried about not eating or stopping certain types of foods?
  10. When certain foods or treats are not available, do you immediately buy them?

Obsession with Weight

  1. Do you want to lose weight in the shortest possible time?
  2. Is the first thing you do at the start of the day weigh yourself?
  3. Do you weigh yourself several times a day?
  4. Do you feel worried during the day that the food you eat may not be healthy or fattening?
  5. Do you pay too much attention to food labels and food ingredients?
  6. Do you count and check your calorie intake several times throughout the day (or do you check the calories of everything you eat)
  7. Do you spend hours preparing healthy food?
  8. Do you cut out certain foods (such as red meat, dairy, or carbohydrates) or major meals to stay healthy?
  9. Do you ever feel guilty about eating?
  10. Is it because of the fear of gaining weight or the fear of not sticking to your diet plan don’t attend a party or event?

Extreme Calorie Burning

  1. Do you continue to exercise or exercise despite feeling pain while burning calories?
  2. Do you constantly feel dizzy or weak while burning calories, but you continue to exercise
  3. Do you get sick a lot despite being constantly active?
  4. Do you not sleep properly or do you suffer from sleep deprivation despite constant sports activity?
  5. Do you feel tired instead of energetic after your physical activity?
  6. Is your heart still pounding after exercise even though you are at rest?
  7. Do you still experience muscle cramps and pain after training chronically or after 72 hours?
  8. Do you get grumpy after training?

Calorie Limiters

  1. Do you spend more than three hours a day thinking about your diet?
  2. Do you plan your meals a few days in advance?
  3. Is the value of meals more important to you than the pleasure of eating?
  4. Has your quality of life worsened while the quality of your food improved?
  5. Has your self-esteem increased because of your desire to eat healthy?
  6. Have you given up a food you used to love in favor of healthy food?
  7. Do you feel calm and in control when you eat healthy?
  8. Does your diet prevent you from going out, socializing, or spending time with friends?
  9. Do you feel intense fear when eating junk food?
  10. Are you suffering from unwanted weight loss and malnutrition due to severe food restrictions?
  11. Do you have disparaging thoughts about others who eat unhealthy food?

Eating Fantasy

  1. Do you fantasize about the food you want to eat when you’re hungry?
  2. When you fantasize about food, do you generally think of foods that are high in carbohydrates or fat (such as ice cream or pizza, etc.)?
  3. Do you think much less about foods like celery or apples or canned foods or foods that are lower in fat?
  4. Do you think I can eat my favorite fattening foods until I’m full and not gain weight?
  5. When you hear or see the name of a food, do you begin to visualize the food, which can be accompanied by even imagining music or salivation?
  6. When you hear the name of the food or see the picture of the food, do you think about the taste, color and characteristics such as softness and wateryness? Being and .. do you think?
  7. Is the image or smell of food a trigger for you to fantasize and eat?
  8. Does fantasizing about food relax you and make you happy?
  9. Do you go to places to eat because you fantasize about food?
  10. Do the signs and attractions of the restaurant attract you?
  11. Do you prefer to try different restaurants?
  12. Is it possible to eat food just to decorate the packaging?
  13. Are you excited to try new foods?